আন্তর্জাতিক সমবায় দিবস জাতিসংঘ ঘোষিত একটি আন্তর্জাতিক দিবস। ১৯২৩ হতে অদ্যাবধি আইসিএ (ইন্টারন্যাশনাল কোঅপারেটিভ এ্যালায়েন্স)কর্তৃক প্রতি বছর জুলাই মাসের ১ম শনিবার আন্তর্জাতিক পরিসরে এ দিবস উদযাপিত হচ্ছে।জাতিসংঘ অর্থনৈতিক, সামাজিক ও সাংস্কৃতিক অঙ্গনে সমবায়ের ভূমিকাকে স্বীকৃতি দিয়ে প্রতিবছর জুলাই মাসের ১ম শনিবার এ দিবস পালন করে থাকে।
ICA International Day of Co-operatives
UN International Day of Co-operatives
International Co-operative Day is an annual celebration of the co-operative movement observed on the first Saturday in July since 1923 by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA).The United Nations recognizes and reaffirms the role of cooperatives in economic, social and cultural development and also observes the day on the first Saturday in July each year along with ICA.
Weekday |
Date |
Year |
Name |
Message |
Saturday |
4 July |
2020 |
26th International Day of Cooperatives |
Cooperatives for Climate Action |
Saturday |
6 July |
2019 |
25th International Day of Cooperatives |
Saturday |
7 July |
2018 |
24th International Day of Cooperatives |
Sustainable consumption and production |
Saturday |
1 July |
2017 |
23rd International Day of Cooperatives |
Co-operatives ensure no-one is left behind |
Saturday |
2 July |
2016 |
22th International Day of Cooperatives |
Co-operatives: The power to act for a sustainable future |
Saturday |
4 July |
2015 |
21th International Day of Cooperatives |
Choose co-operative, choose equality |
Saturday |
5 July |
2014 |
20th International Day of Cooperatives |
Co-operative enterprises achieve sustainable development for all |
Saturday |
6 July |
2013 |
19th International Day of Cooperatives |
Co-operative enterprise remains strong in time of crisis |
Saturday |
7 July |
2012 |
18th International Day of Cooperatives |
Cooperative enterprises build a better world |
Saturday |
2 July |
2011 |
17th International Day of Cooperatives |
Youth, the future of co-operative enterprise |
Saturday |
3 July |
2010 |
16th International Day of Cooperatives |
Cooperative enterprise empowers women |
Saturday |
4 July |
2009 |
15th International Day of Cooperatives |
Driving Global Recovery through Cooperatives |
Saturday |
5 July |
2008 |
14th International Day of Cooperatives |
Confronting Climate Change through Cooperative Enterprise |
Saturday |
7 July |
2007 |
13th International Day of Cooperatives |
Cooperative Values and Principles for Corporate Social Responsibility |
Saturday |
1 July |
2006 |
12th International Day of Cooperatives |
Peace-Building through Cooperatives |
Saturday |
2 July |
2005 |
11th International Day of Cooperatives |
Microfinance is OUR business: Cooperating out of poverty |
Saturday |
3 July |
2004 |
10th International Day of Cooperatives |
Co-operatives for Fair Globalization: Creating Opportunities for All |
Saturday |
5 July |
2003 |
9th International Day of Cooperatives |
Co-operatives Make Development Happen!: The contribution of co-operatives to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals |
Saturday |
6 July |
2002 |
8th International Day of Cooperatives |
Society and Co-operatives: Concern for Community |
Saturday |
7 July |
2001 |
7th International Day of Cooperatives |
The Co-operative Advantage in the Third Millennium |
Saturday |
1 July |
2000 |
6th International Day of Cooperatives |
Co-operatives and Employment Promotion |
Saturday |
3 July |
1999 |
5th International Day of Cooperatives |
Public Policy and Co-operative Legislation |
Saturday |
4 July |
1998 |
4th International Day of Cooperatives |
Cooperatives and the Globalization of the Economy |
Saturday |
5 July |
1997 |
3rd International Day of Cooperatives |
The Cooperative Contribution to World Food Security |
Saturday |
6 July |
1996 |
2nd International Day of Cooperatives |
Cooperative Enterprise: Empowerment for People-centred Sustainable Development |
Saturday |
1 July |
1995 |
1st International Day of Cooperatives |
The ICA Centennial and the Next 100 Years of International Cooperation |
পরিকল্পনা ও বাস্তবায়নে: মন্ত্রিপরিষদ বিভাগ, এটুআই, বিসিসি, ডিওআইসিটি ও বেসিস